Tuesday, April 10, 2007

WTSIM....#4 - Bread

Bread. Bread in all it's yeasty, aroma producing, glory. That's the theme for the next round of Waiter There's Something In My...

I'm looking for Rye bread, Potato Bread, plain white rolls and simple milk loaves, ale loaves, scrumpy buns, sweet brandy buns, wheatgerm bread, soda bread and sunflower breads. Loaves studded with raisins, onions, herbs, olives or little pieces of meat. Perhaps a walnut loaf or a chestnut and hazelnut bread. Maybe some saffron breads or a lemon barley cob. Or how about a fougasse, a puff ball, a focaccia or ciabatta, a flatbread or wholemeal loaf, a pain de campagne or even a pain viennois..the choice, as they say, is yours.

Three Bread Rolls

Entries should be in by the end of the 25th of April. Please Link to this announcement (and the round-up, once it's up) email entries only with the subject as BREAD. (If you don't do this the likelihood is that the email will get lost) Please include your name, your blog's name, the name of the bread and a permalink to your post.

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